“Just when I thought I was out…. They pull me back in!” - Michael Corleone
I felt empty.
Okay, I wasn’t quite on “E” just yet, but I was running out of gas - Quickly.
My coaching business, while fruitful, was slowing down to a crawl. No new clients. No leads. I had to take a few steps back to reorganize my business and I was paying the price for it. I knew it would all pay off in the long run but that didn’t make what I was going through any easier.
My days were busy and productive but they had become less rewarding. My cup was being emptied and it wasn’t being refilled.
I don’t say because I’m not grateful. I love coaching. I love my clients. Coaching is very analytical, through. If you’re not dealing with the psychology of your client you’re looking at numbers.
Doing our thing again.
I’m a creative person. I need creative outlets. I’ve had at least one for almost my entire life. When I was younger, I had art. As I got older, I had professional wrestling. Then most recently, it was cookies. Suddenly, I found myself without a way to express myself creatively. Part of me figured that was just the cost of growing up. This voice inside my head kept telling me that the days of doing reviews with my kids and making cookies was in the past. It even told me that I didn’t have the time to learn a new language or play video games. “You don’t have the time to run another business. You don’t have time to make content. You have to just focus on coaching.” What did that other part of me say?
“Fuck that.”
I realized that I can go back to doing reviews with my kids. I can run a cookie business side hustle. I can learn Spanish. I can play video games. I can do all of that while staying in shape and being a great husband and father. It takes a lot of compromise. I sure as hell isn’t easy.
Is it worth it?
It’s cookie time!
When it comes right down to it, having a plate full of things to do that fill my cup is the best thing I can for my mental health. (I just can’t get away from these damn food analogies…) You know the old saying about idle hands, right? Well, they’re nothing compared to an idle mind. That’s the worst thing for me, so I keep my brain fully loaded. If one thing falls through, I’ll replace it with something else.
It’s taken me a long time to figure out the secret to my happiness. I’m just glad I finally did.
Better late than never.